프로그램/Java - Android / / 2017. 6. 15. 10:27

Context Capabilities


Context Capabilities

The common actions you can safely take with a given Context object depends on where it came from originally. Below is a table of the common places an application will receive a Context, and in each case what it is useful for:

enter image description here

  1. An application CAN start an Activity from here, but it requires that a new task be created. This may fit specific use cases, but can create non-standard back stack behaviors in your application and is generally not recommended or considered good practice.
  2. This is legal, but inflation will be done with the default theme for the system on which you are running, not what’s defined in your application.
  3. Allowed if the receiver is null, which is used for obtaining the current value of a sticky broadcast, on Android 4.2 and above.


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